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Loan Duration (day): 14
by 王修捷 (Wong Siew Jye)
Publisher - Big Tree Publications Snd Bhd
Category - Teen Novel
不要以为躲在屏幕前就很安全 当你在浏览网络世界 其实有只姑获鸟正在监视着你! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 因为弟弟被姑获鸟迷惑导致身心受创, 雨军带着沉重的心情回到案发现场, 在房间的垃圾桶发现一张人头鸟身的怪物素描, 顿时感到浑身起鸡皮疙瘩…… Do you think it’s safe to hide behind the screen? Momo is watching you while you are browsing the Internet. ~~~~~~~ Yu Jun returned to the crime scene with a heavy heart after his younger brother was traumatized by Momo. He found a sketch of a monster with a human head and a bird's body in the trash can that gives him goosebumps.
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