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Tempoh pinjaman (hari): 14

The Cucumber Diet

oleh Jay Arnold

Penerbit - BookBaby

Kategori - Keluarga & Kesihatan

Weight loss companies don't want you to read this book. Because this book is about dieting on your own. Learning how small changes can make a big difference in the way you eat – and your weight. It's a plan that's simple, healthy, cost effective and satisfying. In "The Cucumber Diet – The Power of Conscious Eating" you'll learn about conscious eating, and how to unlearn old eating habits and replace them with new, smart ones. Discover low-calorie density foods you can eat in abundance, so you feel satisfied and healthy. And how managing calories can be easy and empowering. I know that weight loss companies want you to believe you can't do it yourself. But you can. And "The Cucumber Diet" can help. A simple plan with fantastic recipes you can make at home, or grab and go options you can get from the supermarket. The Power of Conscious Eating - simple changes that help put you in control.

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